Closing Costs for Residential Real Estate Transactions

Certain standard costs are related to closing the sale of a home. Buyers and sellers usually split these costs, as specified in the real estate sales contract.

As indicated below, many of the buyer's costs cover the costs of getting the mortgage loan. Since Tenby J. Dahman The Dahman Team is highly experienced with closings & mortgages, we are closing cost experts.

Loan Estimate (LE)

Buyers will receive a "Loan Estimate" of closing costs around the time the loan application is submitted to the lender. This cost estimate comes out of our past experience. Please note that while our LEs are very accurate, we can't always predict closing costs to the penny. We answer questions about these costs every day at Tenby J. Dahman The Dahman Team , so please feel free to ask if you have questions.

Below you'll find a generic list of costs for buying a home. We will always provide you with a specific list of your closing costs when we provide your Loan Estimate.

Standard Closing Costs

Loan-Related Costs
  • Credit Report
  • Up-front Interest Payment
  • Escrow Fees
  • Various Taxes
  • Loan Origination Fee
  • Points — A fee paid to lower your mortgage interest rate (optional)
  • Appraisal Fee
Property Taxes
  • Recording Fees & Transfer Taxes
  • Insurance
Homeowners Insurance
  • Flood / Earthquake Insurance
  • Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)
  • Title Insurance

Tenby J. Dahman The Dahman Team can help you understand closing costs. Give us a call at 3038627760.